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Arabic translation

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Arabic translation Getting it right
We know we can provide the right person, at the right time, at the right price. We have a network of professional translators, worldwide. All are Arabic speakers and many have previously worked for the United Nations and the BBC. All are thoroughly tested, not just for their linguistic ability, but also for their in-depth subject knowledge.

Making a literal translation doesn't go far enough – having an in-built cultural awareness is vital to achieve real meaning and avoid inappropriate words. We have built up a reputation for delivering quality work so we ensure our Arabic translators have the required skills and experience before becoming part of our team. Computer programmes cannot take the place of a good translator, that's why our network of Arabic translators is invaluable. In Arabic translation it's not just about 'fitting words on a page' but finding the correct words. We have excellent working relationships with all our Arabic translators, so we have confidence in their skills.

We don't use electronic translation as we believe the human touch makes all the difference but for a large project or one which has repeated material, we have the facilities and the software to handle it, and can use CAT tools to save costs. All our team have excellent knowledge and practical experience of localization CAT tools such as Trados, SDLX, Deja vu, Robohelp, Catalyst, Locostudio, Star Transit and Wordfast.